Tuesday, August 07, 2007

the plans.......

nak g cuti bln 11 nie.....kat melbourne....hahahah
harap jadilah nie...... mel n eddie kalau rasa nak p tgk concert spice girls
bulan satu nanti... bg tau k. tiket flt free , hotel ngan concert tiket sendiri...
eejatt dah agree.....cepat bg tau akak 12 january k........
yesss cepatlah buat klas wide body nie...mak nak g london gak hehehehe.
bye for now...next four days...keje keja keja....

Hari nie off tapi ada ka patut flt ops call pagi pagi buta jam 5 suruh buat flt....
akak tak jawab pun...jam 9 tadi baru call balik ops tanya je.....courtesy call.....
hahaha... mak malaz nak tolong....ada lss mc lagi lah tu...kena import ls
dr JB hub plak...... nasib lah kan...akak perlu tido yg cukup k......

sekian dulu adek adek mak nak cari jantan kadazan dusun nie...pendek pendek tegap

rain xxx

Friday, August 03, 2007

another day................

so, at 2pm pick up will come to fetch me.....another day at work.....
Hope to c some cute guys onboard...just to make my day..
Esok macau then macau lg.....witing for the airasiax call up
for long haul....australia, europe.....fun fun fun....
maybe not so soon......maybe year end or next year, till that happens
just enjoy kk. hahahahaha
still single not looking...malas kot.....
ok nak mandi n siap g keje nie.........